This corner of my shop has been a catch all for a while now. Typically only used for clutter and an occasional Guitar Hero session. Lol

So decided to clean up a bit and figure out something new for the area that would still retain TV, Game Play & Music.

I had a few VHS tapes I displayed so I thought maybe a shelf or 2 and it would fit in with the "Movie" theme.

So planned to keep it simple. Pegboard and a shelf or 2... but then I thought..

Well, maybe I can print up a cool sign for my area. Kinda make it look vintage...

Or maybe 2 pieces of pegboard and do a corner? Yeah thats it. A corner. Paint it black. Couple shelves and thats it!

So now I had a vision. Why not just go with the yellow up top. Black bottom. A few shelves. A couple small signs? Well then I realized this simple project had taken on a life of it's own..

Now it got real! New signs up and too late to turn back now. Gonna need a bigger collection of VHS tapes now lol

Also gonna need some Blockbuster cases to pull this off. Where can I find those? What if i make my own?

Yeah thats what I'll do. Make some sleeves of my own.

More shelves in and found VHS tapes 5 for $1. locally. Picked up about 20 more. Starting to get a nice feel in here.

Now to make these tapes look more legit..

Now it's time for the blue floors...

Now I needed to tie in out shelf/entertainment center into the area so the NES and PS2 have a place to sit. This is what I came up with.

More coming soon...
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